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Dear Potential Sponsor


An unparalleled opportunity to reach a new market for your product exists which can also give your company a great feeling and tax incentives that come from helping the community and the underprivileged.  Through our Day at the Lake program we are teaching the next generation of inner city kids the fun of fishing and the excitement of the catch.  We want you to be a part of this dynamic outreach opportunity.


The program has two major benefits to its sponsors: first, the advertising opportunity to the community at large, the mentors, and the children, and secondly the benefit of charitable giving which manifests as tax benefits and that good felling at the end of the day that you are doing something bigger than yourself.


This will be MCAR’s twelfth year for this event that is growing year by year.  In June 2016 we trained over 80 youth and in spite of the severe economic crunch in our area we took 60 young men to the overnight fishing camping event.  It was by any measure a huge success with supporting business and supporting churches and over 40 volunteers making up our ecumenical effort.  The event consists of a day of training at Bethesda Temple where boys and girls are mentored and taught the essentials of fishing gear, fishing practice, fishing law (by Michigan DNR Officers), and fishing etiquette with a camp-out the following weekend that leads into the day of fishing on Saturday.


Platinum Level sponsor $2,000.00 or more in fishing/camping goods or monetary support

GOLD Level Sponsor: $1,000.00 or more

SILVER Level Sponsor: $500.00 to $999.00

BRONZE Level Sponsor: $250.00 to 499.00


Your advertising benefit is manifested in many ways.  The opportunity exists for your logo to be displayed prominently during the fishing instruction day as well as the Day at the Lake.  Your logo can also be displayed on the goods we would like to give to each young fisherman.  Your products can be given to the fishermen as a lasting advertisement of your companies’ generosity, perhaps creating a brand loyalty in the process.  Your logo will be displayed prominently on the sponsor board, be mentioned at every meeting and in every segment of the training and the Day at the Lake, and it will be used liberally in subsequently produced literature and video productions.  There exists the chance to be seen in the local television market if the event is carried by the local media that will be alerted to the Project and of your sponsorship.

If your company desires to sponsor this event, we would request all your marketing materials that we could display such as balloons, banners, posters, bumper stickers, decals, and/or any specialty advertising items that you could make available. 



Ample Space is available on vehicles, trailers, boats the buildings, the surrounding fences, and on our many tents.  We will make every effort to promote your company to the fullest extent.


We have selected your company to participate because of the synergy we see between this event and its outcome and your company’s products goals, and values.  We wish to discuss this in greater detail with you if you find this opportunity attractive.  We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your response by phone or e-mail.  All checks should be made out to Bethesda Temple / MCAR.




Thank you

Working to Make a Difference

Jimmie Whitaker  

Director of MCAR



Pastor Jimmie Whitaker

Bethesda Temple 947 Leland St. Flint, MI 48507

Founder of MCAR

Contact Numbers:

(810) 239-0982 Church

(810) 687-6199 Home

(810) 569-1962 Cell

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